1085 E Galena Drive Sandy, UT 84094

March 9, 2023 – Minutes

Glacier Hills Elementary

School Community Council Minutes

March 9, 2023 5:30 pm


  1. Opening:

The meeting was called to order at 5:30 pm

It was held in person at Glacier Hills Elementary School, 1085 E Galena Dr Sandy, UT


  1. Attendance:


Andrew Edtl- School Board Member

Karen Pedersen – School Board Member

Julia Winfree – Principal

Angie Holden – Vice Principal

Tyler Smith – Parent Interim President

Sarah Heaton – Secretary

Lori Saltier – Teacher

Michael Price – Teacher

Jamie Uncapher – School Counselor

Jesse Hennefer – Parent

Stephanie Robbins – Parent

Katherine Hughes – Parent

Hallie Wilkins – Parent


Amy Mero – Parent


Julie Johnson – Parent


  1. Approval of Agenda:

Mrs. Robbins motions to approve the agenda as presented. Mr Hennefer seconded. The motion passed unanimously.


  1. Approval of Minutes:

Mrs. Robbins motions to approve the minutes as presented. Mr Hennefer seconded. The motion passed unanimously.


  1. SCC Chair Update and Calendar:

It was proposed that we move the next meeting to May 11, 2023. Mrs. Wilkins motioned to approve. The motion passed



  1. Safety Drills Report:

There was a hazardous materials drill on February 15. The school is still waiting on the telecenter system to be up and running.

It currently still has a glitch that unlocks and then immediately re-locks the doors. They will try again next week. That drill will

be a carbon monoxide drill. A different drill is performed once every month. An evacuation drill is every other month.


  1. Review of Council’s Stewardship Items – Land Trust Funds/TSSP Budgets:

Principal presented attached slide show. She demonstrated that we are close to achieving school goals and that going forward

there will be less money put into specialists and that the teachers themselves would take on more of the special education

associated with reading. The SCC expressed full support.


  1. Principal’s Report and Discussion on the TSSP and Land Trust (nearly finalized): 

See item 7.

TSSP land trust and Positive Behavior plans and signature page due to district on April,11 was passed around and signed by all



  1. Review Positive Behavior Plan:

The school will be using a program called “Thrive Time”. Currently the social worker has completed discussing substance abuse

topics. Currently 45 kids are receiving IEP services and counseling. Luckily this year student council has been awesome.’ The

school has a lot of needs and are getting some support. A ‘Safe Utah’ app is currently available that kids can call and receive

crisis help at any time of the day.


  1. Discussions on Open Elections and Open Seats for Next Year:

Tyler gave a brief explanation of how the election process works. He explained that the bylaws say all but the president can be

elected in the fall but the president must be elected in the spring. All other positions will be mentioned as people are registering

their kids for school.


  1. District focus items (if any):

None were voiced


  1. Member Concerns/Comments:

Mrs. Mero asked why so many math books come home partially completed. Teachers explained that most pages they used were

torn out and that the others overlap other resources that they use so all of the pages are not needed but they want the parents

to have what is left so they can use the pages during the summer or other times if they like.

Grandparent day was a complete success. Thank you to the PTA for making it happen.

April 26 the school will hold a fundraiser. There will be food trucks and the teachers will each man a booth.


  1. Brief Agenda for Next Meeting: 

None decided at this time


  1. Adjournment:

Mrs. Heaton motions to adjourn meeting. Mr. Hennefer seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.

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