Our school is guided by respecting others and oneself. We believe that children use behavior to communicate. We recognize the role that trauma plays in behavior, and we are dedicated to building resiliency. Students are provided tools to manage their emotions and behaviors. We believe in helping each student to experience success and recognize that it is different from child to child. Our students are constantly changing, and we continually teach and support positive behaviors and emotional management so students can feel successful. We believe all children are teachable, and we can make a difference in behavior. Students understand that their choices matter, and every day is a new day to try again and be better. At Glacier Hills, we model kindness and empathy to help students know they are loved and safe at school.
System and Implementation
We use a systematic and collaborative approach to teach students respect, responsibility, and safety. Our tiered behavior system supports individual students and our school community.
- Restorative practices
- Schoolwide consistent language
- Students are given multiple opportunities to make good choices
- Staff provides students with a toolbox of words and strategies
- Student improvements and accomplishments are celebrated
- Students understand the cause and effects of behavior
- Explicit instruction and modeling of routines, behaviors, and procedures
- Positive Behavior School Systems support positive outcomes