1085 E Galena Drive Sandy, UT 84094

May 11, 2023 – Minutes

Glacier Hills Elementary

School Community Council Notes

May 11, 2023

  1. Opening

The meeting was called to order at 5:30 pm

It was held in person at Glacier Hills Elementary School, 1085 E Galena Dr Sandy UT

  1. Attendance


Angie Holden – Assistant Principal

Lori Saltier – Teacher

Sarah Heaton – secretary, present

Jesse Hennefer – parent, excused to attend award ceremony

Jamie Uncapher – school counselor, excused to attend award ceremony

Tyler Smith – parent interim president, present – excused for family reasons

Stephanie Robbins – parent, present

Julie Johnson – parent, absent

Michael Price – teacher, present

Katherine Huges – parent, present

Hallie Wilkins – parent, excused

Amy Mero – parent, excused

Julia Winfree – principal, excused

    1. Approval of Agenda: Mrs Robbins motions to approve the agenda as presented. Mr Price seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
    2. Approval of Minutes: Mrs Robbins motions to approve the minutes as presented. Mr. Price seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
    3. SCC Chair Update & Calendar – none at this time
    4. Safety Drills Report – ‘TeleCenter U’ is up and running.  5/5 Infectious Disease completed. All drills have been completed for the year. District attended.  New system includes a push button to confirm that rooms are cleared.  Door locking malfunction resolved.
    5. Review of council’s stewardship items – Land Trust Funds, TSSA budgets – Closing completed and any remaining funds went to specialists, social workers, and supplies.
    6. Principal’s report and discussion on the TSSP and Land Trust (submitted) and approved.
    7. Discussion of next year’s officers – Election will take place in September per SCC Bylaws – Chair, Vice Chair, and Secretary for the 2023-24 School Year
    8. Discussion on elections and open seats for next year – list members returning (bylaws state it is a 2 year term)
    9. Dates for elections – send out in Yeti Yell 1 week before back to school night, bylaws state the elections will be held prior to the September SCC meeting.
    10. Schedule first SCC meeting for September – Agreed to meet September 14, 2023 at 5:00 pm
    11. District Focus Items (if any)
    12. Member Concerns/Comments
    13. Adjournment:  Mrs Heaton motions to adjourn meeting. Mr Price seconded the motion.  The motion passed unanimously

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