SCC meeting Notes 10/12/2023
- Julie Winfree (Principal) – Present
- Katherine Hughes (Chair) – Present
- Sarah Heaton (Vice Chair) – Absent
- Auri Jennings (Secretary) – Present
- Lori Salter – Present
- Jamie Uncapher – Present
- Jessica Tyler – Absent
- Tyler Smith – Present
- Stephanie Robbins – Absent
- Julie Johanson – Absent
- Hallie Wilkins – Present
- Amy Mero – Absent
Visitor – Halley Nelson
Approval of Agenda – Jamie
- Amendment of Agenda: Date was different 12th not 10th.
Seconded – Julie Johanson
Approval of minutes from September – Halley
Seconded – Jamie
SCC Chair update & calendar – None
Safety Drills Report – Secure Drill will be done Tuesday 10/17
- New safety specialist – Halley Nelson
- Things going well with a new school safety position and training from the district
Review of councils stewardship items
- Land Trust Funds
- 88,942
- Only Salary comes out, we are on track
- TSSA Budget
- Some Salary, planning days for teachers, PBIS incentives
- PBIS – $500 so far
- Salary – $2,000
- Teacher planning days
- Teachers like it, seems to be working well to cover new items and allow teachers to see other classrooms and how they work and what they learn. 20 minute time out to see different grades.
- Creating school connections
Safe walking routes finalization – Updated and ready to move forward
- Wendy Buchanan has an ongoing email with the Mayor and Police to discuss crosswalks being taken out.
- We are still pushing for crosswalk to be replaced at top of Galena
- Heavy push to teach students to use crosswalks
- Halley Nelson took and compiled a list of what was discussed in emails and last year.
- Best walking route would be through the park and through gate and up the hill
- District wont put sidewalks on the hill because of how steep it is.
- Complaints about walking through snow on hill
- Walk through park and use either the hill or the sidewalk next to school grounds
- Request for City
- Snow removal from Trail
- Replace crosswalk at top of Galena
Digital Citizenship presentation – Auri Jennings
Digital Citizenship Plan due Nov 1
- Brochure at conferences
- Digital Citizenship in Yeti Mail
- Teacher training on 10/18th
School Technology Plan
- School making their own plan
- Putting away phones and watches in backpacks
School Safety Plan – Halley Nelson
- At staff training they are getting trained on Drills
- Reunification plan –
- Meet at one of the churches – if we are coming back to the school.
- Jordan High school – if not coming back to school
- Possibility of running a practice Reunification drill
- Working on schools being updated and safety is updated, New standard response protocol that is same across state
District Focus Items – None
Member Concerns/Comments –
- Section about Digital Citizenship on website
Adjournment – Auri Jennings
Adjournment seconded – Tyler Smith