1085 E Galena Drive Sandy, UT 84094

Happy Constitution Day!

Canyons School District is celebrating September as Founders Month and Tuesday, September 17, 2024, as Constitution Day in our schools. Here at Glacier Hills we had a variety of activities happening across the school from art to technology to writing. Check out What some of our classes did below!

Kinder: In our class we talked about the constitution and how it is "rules for our country, like we have rules for our school", the pledge, and the flag this morning. We made this collaborative flag art project after talking about how we are all little pieces of our big country and we can come together to make a "more perfect union"
First Grade: We talked about the constitution as a symbol of our country. We compared it to the pledge of allegiance and Star Spangled Banner and built connections with our previously taught social studies lessons on rules and laws.
Second Grade: 2nd grade worked together to complete a Nearpod to learn about the Constitution.
Fifth Grade: In 5th grade we watched the CSD Constitution Day video and then our 5th graders read their Why I Love America! books that were provided by the district. After reading about the Founding Fathers drafting of the Constitution, the tenants of our U.S. Government, and the 10 amendments in the Bill of Rights, students reflected on what they learned by writing a summary of their reading.

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