1085 E Galena Drive Sandy, UT 84094

Yeti Yell 10.1.23

Good evening, Glacier Hills families,

Thank you for attending conferences and Grandparents Day last week! We had so much fun seeing so many grandparents, aunts, uncles, and parents at lunch on both days.  It was so busy we had to bring in extra tables.


The Glacier Hills staff would like to express our appreciation to the PTA for running the book fair, assisting with Grandparents Day and for providing a wonderful dinner during conferences.  We greatly appreciate your support and could not do it without you!


The Glacier Hills Career Day date is Friday, October 13 @ 9:15 – 10:30 am.  As always, we are asking for parent volunteers to spend the morning sharing info about their careers with students.  Click the link for more information and to sign-up. https://cnyns.org/3sBhjOP  

Thanks for your support. We look forward to seeing you there!


Please watch for the Halloween Parade information next week.  We are planning to parade through the neighborhood in our costumes on Halloween morning.  We will start inside but should be outside for the parents to see around 9:30.  Stay tuned…


PTA News: 


Our next PTA meeting is Tuesday, October 3rd at 9:15 upstairs in the PTA room. Some things we’ll be discussing are our recent fundraiser and book fair, Reflections, and Red- Ribbon week.




Such fun was had at the Glacier Hills Elementary PTA Book Fair!! We are so grateful for the incredible generosity shown to our teachers and our school by so many of our families. The Glacier Hills PTA is thrilled to be able to make it all happen.

We had so much volunteer support and really enjoyed getting to know everyone who came out to help. Our cups were truly running over. Thank you, thank you!


And if you were hoping it wasn’t quite over, you’re in luck!! That really cool Michael Jordan poster you all wanted?? Still a chance you can get it!!


You can shop online until October 5, 2023! Purchases will continue to support Glacier Hills Elementary students, faculty and staff.




REFLECTIONS NEWS!  The due date is coming up fast!  The theme this year is “I AM HOPEFUL BECAUSE…..”.  Entries must be submitted online at utah.pta.org/ref by OCT 17th.  All students in grades K-5 are eligible to enter and every student who submits an entry will receive a prize!  For more information on the Reflections program, including categories & how to enter, check out this video featuring our very own Blizzard the Yeti!    2023 Reflections


Save the Dates:


3          PTA Meeting                          9:15                            PTA Room

4          School Picture Makeups      9:00                            Stage

11        Secure Drill                           9:30                            Classrooms

13        Career Day                            9:30-11:00                 Classrooms

19-20  Fall Recess – No school

23-27  Red and White Ribbon Week

23        No Students – Teacher Planning Day

27        End of 1st Quarter

31        Halloween Parade                9:15-10:30                 School & Neighborhood



Have a wonderful week!


Julie Winfree


Glacier Hills Elementary



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