Hello Glacier Hills Community!
No school tomorrow! The teachers have a planning day.
This week the PTA is hosting Ribbon Week (formerly known as red ribbon week)! Each day we have a different theme to focus on. Check your students’ backpack for a flyer that came home last week.
Tuesday: Anti-Bullying Day- Wear your school shirt OR blue. Come find a friend and be a friend at Classic Skate Night. Free admission from 5:00-9:00.
Wednesday: Online Safety Day– Wear pajamas OR white.
Thursday: Mental Health Day– Wear something that you love/that makes you feel special OR green.
Friday: Drug Free Day– Wear something crazy (crazy hair, crazy socks, etc) OR red.

Veterans Day assembly – On Nov. 8th at 9:45 AM, we will be holding our annual Veterans Day Assembly. We will send an invitation for the assembly next week, but we wanted to put it on your calendars. We would like to invite any veterans in the community and their families to attend a small breakfast at 9:15 and then they will proceed to the assembly. Next week, we will send a paper to make a small poster of any veteran in your family. Posters will be displayed in the hallway at Glacier Hills. More information to come next week!
Attendance – Our students averaged 94% again this week! Kindergarten was in the lead with 96.6%, but 2nd grade was close with 96.6 %, This is such an improvement from last year, way to go parents!
Halloween – Our Halloween Celebration is next Friday. We will be holding our annual Halloween Parade as well as our classroom parties on Friday, Nov. 1st. The parade will start at 9:15 inside and we will proceed outside to the parade route around 9:30. Parents are encouraged to line the parade route and cheer us on. We are following the same parade route as last year. Parking is challenging on Halloween. You are encouraged to park in one of the two church lots across the street from the school. We would love you to then spread out throughout the route so we have the community and parents cheering us all along the route. We will have the 5th grade lead us and then have 4, 3, 2, 1, and Kinder follow.
Please help your child to pick an appropriate costume. Here are some guidelines:
- No face masks or full-face paint. We need to be able to visually identify students in costumes.
- Costumes that are provocative, revealing, sexual in nature or employ questionable props are not permitted.
- Costumes that depict violence, alcohol, or drugs are not permitted. Fake (or real) weapons are not permitted.
- Costumes that can be offensive or perpetuate a stereotype of someone’s culture, gender, heritage or religion are not permitted.
- Costumes should not hinder your ability to participate in classes
- Costumes should include shoes
- Costumes and dressing up is optional
Halloween parade and parties Nov. 1st No costumes on Thursday!
Our staff thought it might be fun to highlight some of our favorite books. This week we have Mrs. Parkin and Mrs. Taylor.
Kris Parkin, K/1 ACC Teacher: When I first started teaching many years ago, I taught grades 1st through 6th grade Special ed. and we would read The Magic Treehouse books. I instantly fell in love with these books. The characters were Jack who was 8 1/2-year-old and his little sister Annie who was 7. They went into the woods and found a treehouse. At first, they didn’t know it was magic, but they soon found out. The adventures they would go on were connected to actual events in history. The people they would meet and how they would solve problems was exciting and engaging. I love how history came to life for me and my students.
Anna Taylor, 3rd Grade teacher: As a child my mom read to us every night from a chapter book. One book that always sticks in my memory is The Box Car Children. This book is filled with adventure, mystery and problem-solving. The book is about four orphaned children who find an abandoned boxcar in the woods to live in. They fill the boxcar with items they find at the dump. They use a nearby river as a refrigerator. The oldest brother must earn money by helping in the town. I always dreamed of living in a boxcar just like these children and having fun adventures every day.
PTA News:
Ribbon Week (formerly known as red ribbon week) is here! Each day we have a different theme to focus on. Check your students’ backpack for a flyer that came home last week.
Tuesday: Anti-Bullying Day– Wear your school shirt OR blue. Come find a friend and be a friend at Classic Skate Night. Free admission from 5:00-9:00.
Wednesday: Online Safety Day– Wear or pajamas OR white.
Thursday: Mental Health Day– Wear something that you love/that makes you feel special OR green.
Friday: Drug Free Day– Wear something crazy (crazy hair, crazy socks, etc) OR red.
Remember Reflections is still going on. Put on your creative hats and enter. There are categories for everyone! Art, dance, music, and movies. We will accept entries through the end of October. Go to https://www.utahpta.org/ref to enter your art.
We’re pleased to announce our first spirit night. It will be November 12th from 5pm to 7pm at McDonald’s! More info will come.
Save the Dates:
21 No Students – Teacher Planning Day
22-25 Ribbon Week
22 Classic Skate Night Classic Skating Rink 5:00-9:00
25 End of 1st Quarter
28 Attendance Reward 3:30 Cafeteria
1 Halloween Parade 9:15-10:30 School & Neighborhood
4 Bomb Threat Drill 2:30 Classrooms
8 Veteran’s Day Assembly 9:45 Gym
10 Reflections Due
12 McDonalds Community Night 5:00-7:00
26 Turkey Trot 10:00 AM Playground/Field
27-29 Thanksgiving Break
6 Hold Drill 9:45 Classrooms
7 Barnes and Noble Day
13 K-2 Holiday Sing Along for parents 9:30 Gym
13 3-5 Parent Sing Along for parents 10:00 Gym
17 Orchestra/Choir Concert 6:00PM
20 Class Parties Classrooms
23-3 Winter Recess
6 First day back to school
Let’s have an amazing year together!
Julie Winfree
Glacier Hills Elementary