Hello Glacier Hills Community!
Thank you for your continued support and partnership in our school community.
We need your help! Last week presented some challenges with excessive behaviors across all grades. The mix of daylight savings, Halloween, the election, and fluctuating weather seemed to impact our students more than usual.
Tomorrow, we will visit each grade level to reteach our behavioral expectations. Our school rules focus on respect, responsibility, and safety. When students encounter a problem, we encourage them to follow these steps: Stop, Walk, and Talk. They should first say, “Please stop, I don’t like that,” then walk away and talk to an adult. We also emphasize that the only way we touch each other is by butterfly fingers. This is your three middle fingers on your hand being open and moving around. This is how we tag and get others attention, We kindly ask that you review these steps with your children and emphasize the importance of being respectful, responsible, and making safe choices. Ensuring a safe environment at school is one of our top priorities, and we appreciate your assistance in reinforcing these values at home. Together, we can create a positive and safe school experience for everyone. Thank you for your cooperation!
Food Drive – I am excited to share that we are launching our first AVID’s Care and Share Food Drive! For the next two weeks, our grade levels will team up and compete to collect the most food items to donate to the Utah Food Bank. It’s a great opportunity for our students to engage in community service while fostering teamwork and compassion. Your participation and support in this initiative are greatly appreciated! Items to send: Peanut Butter, Mac & Cheese, Canned Meats (tuna, chicken, or beef), Chili, SpaghettiOs/Ravioli, Canned Fruits, Other Boxed Meals. Please read the attached flyer for more details.
Do you follow Glacier Hills Elementary? We have our own social media accounts apart from our PTA accounts. Please follow us on:
Facebook: Glacier Hills Yetis
Instagram: glacier_hills_yetis
website: https://glacierhills.canyonsdistrict.org/
Thank You: We would like to extend our heartfelt thanks to the Herritt family for their generous donation of books and prizes from Barnes and Noble. The support greatly enriches our school store and enhances our students’ learning experience.
Moon Tree– In November of 2022, NASA sent up the Artemis 1 rocket to release satellites into space. Also included in this launch were several other experiments, including a cargo of 2000 tree seeds harvested from around the country and, in some cases, coming out of seed vaults that have existed since the early 1990s! This cargo was sent over 270,000 miles into space, on a round trip out past the Moon, with an orbit of the moon, and returning to Earth. Once the cargo splashed down and was recovered, these 2000 seeds were taken to three separate forestry-operated nurseries around the country and germinated. At the facility, they grew these seeds into saplings and the opportunity was presented for the public to apply to receive one of these saplings! After a year of applying, filling out forms, and working with Canyons School District, our facilities team, and NASA, we were granted the stewardship of A Douglas Fir Sapling! On October 28th, we planted this sapling outside the school. It will now be our duty to care for and grow this Moon Tree and work towards keeping its story alive for students currently and in the future, giving them an interesting perspective into how far human ingenuity and spirit can carry us.
Aurie Jennings – STEM Brain Booster Teacher

Attendance – Thank you for your continued support in ensuring our students attend school regularly. I am pleased to share that last week was another successful attendance week, with an average of 94% of students present. A special shoutout to our Kindergarten classes, which led the way with an impressive 97% attendance for the week and even reached 99% on Wednesday! Let’s keep up the great work together!
Staff members favorite books: this week we have Ms. Skinner and Ms. Nelson.
Ms. Victoria Skinner, Kindergarten Teacher:
In elementary school, I loved going to the library and being able to check books out from the Cam Jansen series by David A. Adler. These books are about Cam, a super cool girl with a photographic memory! Her special power helped her solve mysteries all over town. Reading about all of the fun adventures that Cam and her friends went on, made me want to be more observant and put my memory to the test as well!
Ms. Halley Nelson, Assistant Principal:
I loved to read the book From the Mixed-Up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler by E.L. Konisburg. I loved this book because the kids ran away from home and lived in a museum. They ran away because they felt like outsiders in their family. I looked different than my siblings, so I sometimes felt like an outsider. I wondered what it would be like to run away from home and thought it would be so interesting to live in a museum! In the end, the children return to their family and realize they are loved, just as I love my family!
PTA News:
Last call for Reflections tonight at midnight. There are several different categories: 2D art, 3D art, photography, music, dance, writing, and film. The theme is “Accepting Imperfections.”
Remember, we will accept entries through the end of October. Go to https://www.utahpta.org/ref to enter your art.
Also, we’d like to give a special thanks to Menchies and Uptown Jungle for sponsoring reflections program this year.
Please join us at McDonald’s this Tuesday, November 12th from 5 to 8 pm. It’s our first Spirit night. Grab dinner make sure to order from the kiosk or app and a portion of all sales goes to our PTA. Teachers will be selling cookies that night. 100% of those proceeds also go to the school!
Our next PTA meeting will be November 12 from 9:15 to 10:15.
We want to thank all our awesome teachers and staff who participated in the dunk tank. It was a bit chilly that day and they were such good sports! The kids had a blast. We do truly appreciate all who donated to our fundraiser.
Our second Book Blitz Jr meeting will be tomorrow, Monday, November 10th from 3:50 to 4:30. Please remind your student. It is not too late to join! If your student is interested send them to the meeting tomorrow.
Save the Dates:
10 Reflections Due Today
12 McDonalds Community Night 5:00-7:00
26 Turkey Trot 10:00 Playground/Field
27-29 Thanksgiving Break
6 Hold Drill 9:45 Classrooms
7 Barnes and Noble Day
13 K-2 Holiday Sing Along for parents 9:30 Gym
13 3-5 Parent Sing Along for parents 10:00 Gym
17 Orchestra/Choir Concert 6:00PM
20 Class Parties Classrooms
23-3 Winter Recess
6 First day back to school
Let’s have an amazing year together!
Julie Winfree
Glacier Hills Elementary