1085 E Galena Drive Sandy, UT 84094

Yeti Yell – February 12, 2023

Good evening Yeti Families,

This week is always a favorite each year.  On Tuesday, we will have our Valentine’s Day celebrations. Please watch for messaging from your teacher on the specific plans for your student’s grade level. Please note that due to President’s Day there is no school next Monday.


Parent Teacher Conferences are on March 1st and 2nd. Please make sure you login to Skyward and schedule your Parent Teacher Conference.


Remote-Learning Day – Monday March 6th, 2023

To give teachers more time to support and work with students, as well as prepare and plan for the coming weeks of classes, Monday, March 6 will be a Remote-Learning Day for all Canyons District students. The day follows a Friday, March 3 no-school day after the week of scheduled Parent-Teacher Conferences for most schools. While no new instruction will be provided online on that day, students will be provided remote-learning activities and teachers will be available to meet with students virtually between 10 a.m. and noon.

A major aim of the day is to support students who are struggling to catch up after losing academic ground during the COVID-19 school years. CSD encourages parents to attend the virtual consultations between teachers and students. Canvas, the District’s common online-learning management system, will be used to provide learning opportunities for most students on the Remote-Learning Day.

Glacier Hills teachers will be sending home packets on Thursday, March 2nd.

Questions? Please contact your child’s school or send an email message to communications@canyonsdistrict.org.

Canyons District thanks families for their flexibility with the change to the school-year calendar.


Kindergarten Registration – If you have a child that will be five years of age on or before September 1, 2023, the child qualifies for kindergarten this fall. State law requires that all school districts in Utah abide by the same September 1st entrance cut-off date.

If you have an incoming kindergarten student, please begin the registration process by following the steps outlined on our website. The https://glacierhills.canyonsdistrict.org/2022-23-kindergarten-registration/


PTA News:


Beach Day:

This Friday is Beach Day at Glacier Hills.  The students have been working hard to show Kindness to everyone around them.  Each class needs to show 100 acts of Kindness to earn their way to Beach Day.  The PTA needs your help in hosting Beach Day for our students. Please sign up below:



Book Blitz will have a meeting tomorrow after school.  It is on Feb. 13 from 3:40 to 4:20.


Looking for ways to stay informed of PTA and school happenings?  Here are two ways:


Get our PTA meeting minutes emailed to you.  Fill out this form:



Join our PTA Facebook group:





14- Valentine’s Day & Class Parties

17- PTA Beach Day

20 – President’s Day – No School!



1- Parent Teacher Conferences

1- Grandparents Day Lunch 11AM-1PM

2- Parent Teacher Conferences

2- Grandparents Day Lunch 11AM-1PM

2- Thursday Early Out 1:55 Dismissal

3- Teacher Comp Day No School

6- Remote Learning Day – No students at school.


Remember to visit the school website for important information and schoolwide updates!    https://glacierhills.canyonsdistrict.org/



Have a great week!


Julie Winfree


Glacier Hills Elementary

