SCC Minutes – Thursday, Jan. 11th 5:15-6:15
Attendance: Katie Hughes, Julie Winfree, Stephanie Robbins, Halley Nelson, Andrew Etdl, Jessica Tyler, Hallie Wilkins, Tyler Smith
1. Welcome- Katie Hughes
2. Approval of Agenda- Stephanie Robbins 1st Jessica Tyler 2nd
3. Approval of Minutes from November -Stephanie Robbins 1st, Katie Hughes 2nd
4. SSC Chair update & Calendar: next meeting will need to be 1.5 hours and we will need to vote on some items
5. Safety Drills report given by Halley Nelson. During the last evacuation, all students were out of the building in 3.8 minutes. Learning more about the Telecenter U and what it can do. A hold drill was held in December, February will be a hazardous materials drill, March carbon monoxide drill.
6. Review of council’s stewardship items- LandTrust funds and TSSA budget- Julie will be having a bugdet meeting to see exactly where things are with Jen Bagley. Money was needing to be allocated due to a secretary taking a different position. Proposing that the school will need $8,000.00 to build a game room for PBIS incentives for individual students and classes to enjoy. Aiming for experiences over things to be given as rewards. 4th & 5th grades bought the 95% program for their grade levels this year and want to do that again, cost is around $5,000.00 per grade. Looking at implementing an attendance program to help get kids to school, we’re seeing a trend of kids not coming.
7. Cell Tower Money- request to move to principal’s discretionary fund- $2152.78 all were in favor
8. Final Report for 2022-2023 school year- will be at the next meeting
9. Amendment to the 2023-2024 plan- not needed
10. 2024-2025 plan- A draft will be presented at our next meeting
11. District items -none
12. Member concerns/comments – a discussion of our technology plan was held. We will keep the current plan and revisit next year.
13.Adjournament: called by Katie Hughes