1085 E Galena Drive Sandy, UT 84094

January 12, 2023 – Minutes

Glacier Hills Elementary 

School Community Council 

Thursday, January, 2022 5:30 PM 



The meeting was called to order at 5:30 PM.

It was held in-person at Glacier Hills Elementary School, 1085 E Galena  Drive Sandy, UT 84094

Nomination of New SCC Chair:

Quick introductions for everyone, Andrew Edtl, former SCC chair, was elected to the school board and Mrs. Salter will be taking over conducting with SCC support for the day.  Election of new chair:  Jessie Hennefer nominates Tyler Smith for chair of Glacier Hills for the remainder of the 2023 year, Amy Mero seconds.  SCC voted unanimously to nominate him.


Andrew Edtl – ex Chair/Parent-excused

Lori Salter – Vice Chair/Employee -present

Sarah Heaton – Secretary/Parent -present

Julia Winfree – Principal – Present

Sam Knecht – Parent – Resigned

Jesse Hennefer – Parent – present

Joey Jorba – Parent – Absent

Jamie Uncapher – Employee- present

Tyler Smith-New Chair/Parent-present

Stephanie Robbins – Parent -Present

Julie Johansen – Parent – present

Michael Price – Employee – Present

Katherine Hughes – Parent -Present

Hallie Wilkins – Parent – Excused

Amy Mero – Parent – Present


Approval of Agenda

  1. Ms. Salter motioned to approve the January agenda as presented. Ms. Hughes seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously
  2. Katie Hughes motioned to approve November minutes as presented.  Julie Johannson seconds


Fund Sources Approvals

TSSP and Land Trust funds on track as initially outlined.


Bylaw Amendment

Jessie Hennefer puts forward motion to amend bylaws to make it 50% parents to teachers to make a quorum: seconded by Tyler Smith , unanimous positive vote by SCC


Review of Safety Procedures

Practices are all caught up and drills are going ok. Still practicing some of the teacher systems. To help smooth it out they will be doing a surprise drill.

Question by Amy Mero if there is a procedure for lunchtimes.  There is a lunchtime drill in the works


Positive Behavior Plans

Administration will review data and talk to decide the best PB plans and bring it to the SCC in upcoming meetings.

Reading program Wonders is starting to really settle in – they are trying to set up subs to allow some time for in depth training in the other programs and the necessary budgetary needs.

Current program sends Instructional coach to come around and observe teachers.  Then revied with teacher immediately afterwards with direct feedback.


Discuss Child Access Routing Plan (SNAP)

Children are walking in the road on Galina, wanting sidewalks south side of Galina, crossing guard or crosswalk on Poppy till then.  Or perhaps a no parking zone?  Principal will discuss options with mayor this week.  Other ideas are to have safety patrol kids to teach students to stay on sidewalk instead of walking across grass.  Also discussion on having a local policeman (or three) come and enforce safe drop off in the morning till drivers understand procedure better.


Thrive Time Program

Glacier Hills has been asked to pilot the new Social Emotional program.  Glacier Hills will be required to report to the district monthly.  SCC is in full support of the ‘Thrive Time’ program.



Tyler Smith motion to adjourn, motion unanimously passed.