2022-23 November Minutes
Thursday, November 10, 2022
5:30 PM
1. Opening
i. The meeting was called to order at 5:32 PM.
ii. It was held in-person at Glacier Hills Elementary School, 1085 E Galena Drive Sandy, UT 84094
2. Attendance
Andrew Edtl-Chair/Parent -Present
Lori Salter-Vice Chair/Employee -Present
Sarah Heaton-Secretary/Parent -Excused
Julia Winfree-Principal -Present
Sam Knecht-Parent -Resigned
Jesse Hennefer-Parent -Absent
Joey Jorba-Parent -Absent
Jamie Uncapher-Employee -Present
Tyler Smith-Parent -Present
Stephanie Robbins-Parent -Present
Julie Johansen-Parent -Excused
Michael Price-Employee -Present
Katherine Hughes-Parent -Present
Hallie Wilkins-Parent -Excused
Amy Mero-Parent -Present
3.Approval of Agenda
i. Ms. Robbins motioned to approve the agenda as presented. Ms. Hughes seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously
4. Approval of Minutes
i. Ms. Salter motioned to approve the minutes as presented. Ms. Hughes seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously
5. SCC Chair Update & Calendar
i. Mr. Edtl stated that he would be absent in January due to a work conflict. Ms. Salter will preside
ii. Mr. Knecht resigned from the SCC
iii. Ms. Heaton, Ms. Johansen, and Ms. Wilkins were excused
iv. Mr. Hennefer was absent
v. Mr. Jorba was absent for the third consecutive meeting
6. Fund Sources/Approvals
i. Cell Tower
A) Current balance: $4,346.37
B) The council discussed transferring funds from the cell tower account to the principal’s discretionary fund. Ms. Winfree explained what the principal’s discretionary fund is used for
C) Ms. Robbins made a motion to transfer $4,346.37 to the principal’s discretionary fund. Ms. Mero seconded the motion. The motion passed
a) Andrew Edtl-Yea
b) Lori Salter-Yea
c) Sarah Heaton-Not Present
d) Julia Winfree-Yea
e) Jesse Hennefer-Not Present
f) Joey Jorba-Parent -Not Present
g) Jamie Uncapher-Yea
h) Tyler Smith-Yea
i) Stephanie Robbins-Yea
j) Julie Johansen-Not Present
k) Michael Price-Yea
l) Katherine Hughes-Yea
m) Hallie Wilkins-Not Present
n) Amy Mero-Yea
D) Discussed response from district regarding how cell tower money is distributed. District response is attached with minutes
ii. Land Trust Funds
A) $60,948.47
iii. TSSA
B) $76,613.96
7. Bylaws Discussion
i.. Mr. Smith motioned to adopt the bylaws as discussed. Ms. Robbins seconded the motion. The motion passed
a) Andrew Edtl-Yea
b) Lori Salter-Yea
c) Sarah Heaton-Not Present
d) Julia Winfree-Yea
e) Jesse Hennefer-Not Present
f) Joey Jorba-Parent -Not Present
g) Jamie Uncapher-Yea
h) Tyler Smith-Yea
i) Stephanie Robbins-Yea
j) Julie Johansen-Not Present
k) Michael Price-Yea
l) Katherine Hughes-Yea
m) Hallie Wilkins-Not Present
n) Amy Mero-Yea
8. Digital Citizenship Report Discussion
i. The council discussed the digital citizenship report
9. School Safety Discussion
i. The council discussed the school safety report
10. Safety Drills Report
i. Discussed fire drill. Bomb threat drill is next. Hold drill in December.
11. District Focus Items (if any)
i. Nothing discussed in this topic.
12. Old Business
i. Nothing discussed in this topic.
13. Member Concerns/Comments
i. It was brought into question if the December meeting was necessary. There was a unanimous consensus that a meeting was not necessary for December. Ms. Hughes motioned to cancel the meeting in December. Mr. Price seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously
14. Agenda for Next Meeting
15. Adjournment
i. Ms. Winfree motioned to adjourn the meeting. Ms. Robbins seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously
ii. The meeting was adjourned at 6:30 PM
Upcoming Topics
Subject to change at the direction of the Chair
•December 1st, 2022
• January 12, 2023
Start TSSP, Land Trust, and Positive Behavior plans
Discuss professional development expenditures needed to support goals
Discuss Child Access Routing Plan (SNAP)
• February 9th, 2023
Follow up on TSSP, Land Trust, and Positive Behavior plans
• March 9th, 2023
Discussion on TSSP, Land Trust plans (should be nearly finalized)
Review Positive Behavior Plan
Discussion on elections and open seats for next year
• April 13th, 2023
TSSP, Land Trust and Positive Behavior plans and signature page due to district on April 11th
Recruiting Booth -Events
May 11th, 2023