1085 E Galena Drive Sandy, UT 84094

September 14, 2023 – Minutes

Approval of the agenda:

– Stephanie Robbins approved the agenda

– Katie Hughes seconded the agenda


Approval of the May minutes

– Jessica Tyler Motion to approve the minutes

– Hallie Wilkins seconds the motion to approve

– Unanimous approval


New parent member – Auri Jennings


Julie Winfree

– Still want to recruit members of the SCC, need quite a few more

– We need 3 or 4 more, want a better ratio


SCC trainings

– 1 more training session on the 27th, 1 hr 30 minutes

– Gave good information, just show up no sign up.


Safety Drills

– Fire drill out in 3 minutes, went well

– Working on other drills and getting things better.



– Averaging 590 Daily Student Attendance Average, allocation may come down.

– We can not roll over more than 10% we rolled over 3.25%

– Allocations

– TSSA – Salaries, AVID startup, we added PBIS to it, lanyards, 3D printer for rewards

– Avid training $40,000 in summer, paid by district

– 2 amounts, Landtrust and TSSA, are a little more than we had planned. We have a little extra, we need to look at new things                   and write addendum if needed.


– Questions: No questions


Safe walking routes

– We send our plan into the district, district sends it to the city, they send it to a woman named Brittany Ward who had

problems with our plan.

– Colors on email conversation.

– Red strikes, and green – Brittany Ward

– Blue – Susan Edwards

– We all need to look through it and see what we can come up with. If you live in the neighborhood look and advise

– If you are reading it and you think things are unreasonable with what she is saying we need to be ready for a fight. We may need

to contact the city council to push through what we need.

– Allison Shroud (East Sandy) needs to be CC’d and council at large as well.

– They removed crosswalks, we need to look at this as parents and what our kids are going to have to deal with it.

– Why they are taking out crosswalks – If there is a stop sign there should not be a crosswalk. Crosswalks have to be at intersections.

– Key is dont go through Brittany ward and go through the City Council. We need to send individual concerns to the City Council.

-Send the parents and students info and ask them to help send in concerns as parents and kids.

-Teachers’ Persuasive essay.

– Julie will send City Council names and Allison Shroud emails to send our concerns


Officer Elections

– Discussions around people being head of the SCC. It was not that hard, maybe about 15 minutes extra a month.

Chair of SCC

– Katie Hughes Nomination by Hallie Wilkens

– Seconded by Sarah Heaton

– Unanimous yay

Vice Chair of SCC

– Sarah Nominated by Hallie

– Seconded by Jamie

– Unanimous Yay

Secretary – Auri Jennings


Schedule for this year

– Starting at 5:15

– On 2nd Thursday of the month.

– October 10, November 9, December 14, January 11, February 8, March 14, April 11.


Robert Rules of Order

– Deep dive into bylaws, Julie printed and handed them out

– Andrew will be here when he is able


PTA question

– Fundraising questions

– What does Glacier Hills want to raise money for? PBIS Rewards

– Glacier Hills is collecting Data this month to figure out where things are working and not with the PBIS Rewards program.

– Grant in the Behavior team, for a game room.

– Classes could earn points for it, individuals.

– Add experiences not just trinkets.

– Attendance incentives

– Smith’s thing for Smith’s rewards, Julie will send out info in Yeti Yell.

– Anyone in Community


Fundraiser for the school year

–  Proposal – December 1st doing a parents night and charging a babysitting fee for about 2 hours, who will be here to babysit. Full            time and licensed teachers, volunteers.

– Working on logistics


Andrew is on board and we should use the connection available, is happy to stand up and talk about things that we want and try to push through.

– When we have an issue we need we need to bring it up and involve others

– Speaking out against others – Areas have felt ignored in the past and areas where not represented. There was a representative for teachers, but did not live in the area so certain areas were not represented. Certain areas do not have a bigger pull than others. We have a good representation of this area right now. Advocacy is a big thing. Andrew has a class that he can put on to help with us being advocates. Certain areas expect more when they have more. Different areas have different expectations.

– Individuals are powerful, groups are really not, letters not effective



– ACC classes are too big


Hallie Wilkens moves to adjourn the meeting

Sarah Heaton seconds adjournment.

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Canyons School District is committed to making this website compliant with the ADA. At this time, we recognize that not all areas of this website may be ADA compliant. We are currently in the process of redesigning and creating new website content to be compliant with the W3C Level Two guidelines. If you are experiencing issues with this website, please contact us here communications@canyonsdistrict.org